The hotel reception desk is open 24 hours a day, with experienced and friendly staff ready to serve you and provide whatever you may need during your stay. Services provided by the hotel include room service (once per day), wake-up and message service, car, bicycle and motorbike rentals, laundry service and excursion and transport arrangements.
For our guests’ convenience, our hotel works with a nearby car park which offers parking services 24/7 (€15/day charge).
Hotel Services
- 24-hour reception
- Multi lingual staff
- Luggage transportation and Luggage room
- Wake-Up Call service
Daily Excursions
Our city, apart from its natural beauty, it also gives the opportunity to its visitors to take trips to nearby beautiful destinations. Thessaloniki is only two hours away from other historical cities of Macedonia where you can explore in much detail a lot of well-known sightseeing.